Cloud Migration

Cloud migration is basically a process in which an organization’s digital assets, resources, services are deployed in the cloud and the migrated asset cannot be accessed beyond the cloud’s firewall. The process of migrating from one cloud services provider to another is also called cloud migration (highly known as cloud-to-cloud-migration).
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Cloud Migration - ARM Infoway

ARM Infoway - Migrate to Cloud Safely and Securely

ARM believes in offering a simplified cloud approach to transform your business. We guarantee zero business impact and successful transition to cloud. Our cloud experts take appropriate care of data during the migration process. We aim at delivering friendly and time-saving cloud migration services to our customers, leading towards customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Cloud Migration


The best part about cloud is it maintains upscale as per requirements. This helps save money for the unused data, It offers a chance for businesses to increase or decrease resources depending on the business needs.

Task Automation

Task Automation

In the cloud environment, automatic updating and API are really easy. As it enables the automation of repetitive tasks, it reduces a lot of work on the developer’s part.

Disaster Recovery

Once you migrate to cloud, it becomes easier to recover the data using cloud-based backup and recovery solutions. It basically saves the time and investment done for recovery operations.

Disaster Recovery
Zero Risk Failure

Zero Risk Failure

Most of the cloud service providers offer 99% uptime and that offers zero chances of risk of failure. It automatically takes up workloads.


The cloud services offer quicker decision making, as it frees up the time and reduces the effort that is spent on infrastructure.


Let’s Connect with the Experts

Our Cloud Migration Services

Migration Factory

Migration Factory

Right from the assessment to application setting, we help with anything and everything during the cloud migration process, which includes:

Migration of workloads

Migration of workloads

Operations run books

Operations run books

Cloud-to-cloud movement

Cloud-to-cloud movement

Validation & performance testing

Validation & performance testing

We Deliver. What We Promise.

Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction

We Deliver. What We Promise.

Have an idea? Work with us and see how it goes. We promise to go the extra mile for every project that we take onboard.

The first 7 days are on us with ZERO upfront investment.

Why Choose Us?

We have a team of Cloud Migration developers with extensive experience and are already a leading brand in terms of quality of web development. We aim at delivering class apart software solutions to our customers for a seamless experience.

Bug free solution

● Bespoke Customizations

Best-in-class quality Guaranteed

Let’s Transform Your Idea into Reality

Hire Cloud Expert from ARM Infoway

At ARM Infoway, we are driven to help our clients succeed, therefore we offer extraordinary cloud migration services. Hire cloud expert from ARM and transform your business operations.